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Competitive Advantage

How do you help an online retailer build new revenue streams? You’ve got to focus. If you sell things online, then you know it is a constant battle to stay one step ahead of the competition.

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Social Media Powered Outreach

Restaurants and just about everywhere people cook food, use fryers. From french fries to tortillas, egg rolls to onion rings, all use vegetable oil. Sooner rather than later, that oil needs to get swapped for clean stuff and that’s where Green Futures comes in.

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Designing an e-Storefront

Sites and eCommerce sites, in general, are an opportunity for a business to focus their offerings. When building an e Storefront for Custom Engraving Company, we were challenged with an enormous task.

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Managing the News

News is a very powerful medium. It can help tell your story and illustrate who you are, who you’ve worked with, and where you’re going. And yet, many organizations don’t effectively use public relations to communicate.

Clean Internet Design

As designers who build websites, often the most noticeable things we do for our clients are not visual. What makes a really good website? Clean Design.

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Communicating Community

How does an organization reach its base, project’s its message, build support and fulfill its mission? You do all this and more with communications.