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Building your Brand

This webinar was live on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 1pm ET for Interactive Legal’s Roundtable Event—Building your Brand, in 2018.

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Social Media Powered Outreach

Restaurants and just about everywhere people cook food, use fryers. From french fries to tortillas, egg rolls to onion rings, all use vegetable oil. Sooner rather than later, that oil needs to get swapped for clean stuff and that’s where Green Futures comes in.

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Clean Corporate Image in All Media

Integrated Marketing is speaking in the same voice, in all media to project a consistent message. With Corporate identity, it is critical to stay on task and keep all your marketing collateral and outreach on theme.

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Projecting Your Brand

The word branding has become commonplace, yet few organizations really tap into the full potential of their brands. Branding is really a very simple practice.